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We have 1000’s of jobs which might be being created, 1000’s of jobs where we are going to turn to our unionized workforce, to employees across the province of Ontario to assist us continue to build a bigger, better, stronger province of Ontario. And that includes these staff the member has referenced in her question. This is identical member from the city of Ottawa who is opposing the innovation that’s taking place at the Ottawa Hospital today. Through our surgical backlog fund, the hospital has been able to make the most of an revolutionary mannequin that ensures an OR room inside the hospital is getting used on the weekend, when it was sitting vacant before. It means that these critical surgeries that must happen and can proceed to occur have the ability to occur sooner as a outcome of we’re using those operating rooms over the weekend. Speaker, the Premier likes to say, “Under my watch, you’ll solely ever need your OHIP card, not your bank card.” The Premier should inform that to Lisa, whose wait time for breast cancer surgery at the Ottawa Hospital was so long that she was compelled to go to a non-public clinic to pay $50,000 for the life-saving surgery she wanted.

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the British military having crossed the Savannah, and believing it only

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appointed major-generals, and Horatio Gates adjutant-general. It was a splendid summer’s afternoon, when the British advanced

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congress on the fifteenth of November, 1777. In one other instance also, had been they unfortunate on

new impost in the type of a stamp-tax. All pamphlets, almanacs,